Graduation is often looked at as the closing of one chapter and the start of another and, in many ways, that is true. However, after spending a summer still living in my own home, hanging out with my same friends, and getting to see my family every day, I don't think this summer was the start of a new chapter. Rather, it was more like the final sentences of the previous chapter where all the readers favorite characters say their final piece before their role in the story slightly changes.
Now. Now is the time where the page turns to reveal the next chapter. Only small pieces of the plot have been revealed in this new chapter, but I will keep reading, and there is One who is making sure whatever happens works ultimately for my good because of His love for me. Yes, it hurts to leave what I have grown up with: the only house I have ever lived in, my friends, and my family. But, I am so excited to go to TCU and carve my path there!
I have said a few times in the weeks where goodbyes were commonplace that I don't really know how to say goodbye, but I believe that is okay. I am grateful for the many ways to keep in touch with people and I know, no matter how connected I become with new people or new places, this will always be my first home and I know I will love returning here when I am able.
On Tuesday, August 16th, I leave. I have been so blessed in this life so far and I have no doubts that God will keep pouring out his love on me. I hope to keep Untitled Thoughts updated with posts, but I cannot say for sure what the future holds. Thanks for reading and until next time, farewell.
Check out my YouTube channel! Along with this goodbye, I posted my farewell on my YouTube page with an original song entitled "Departure".